Luigi's Mansion Game Review
Overall Rank By The SMRC: 87.0/100
Recommendations: OK Buy

Nintendo brings an old hero back to save Mario in what seems to be yet another success for Nintendo. Luigi's Mansion is the first game starring a Mario Brother on the Gamecube. It appears to be Luigi's first successful game in a starring role.

In Luigi's Mansion, Nintendo took the Mario Brother to a new style of gameplay. Instead of the normal run, jump, attack method classic in Nintendo games, Luigi runs around with a vacuum given to him by Prof. E. Gadd. With this vacuum and a flashlight, Luigi explorers a mansion he has won, searching for cash, ghosts, and his missing brother Mario. Although innovative, the gameplay seemed short and a little easy. Mastering the game takes little time and can leave players wanting more. Nintendo however made up for the lack of gameplay in stunning graphics.

Nintendo put to work the Gamecube's special abilities in the graphics department. To start with, the large environment of the mansion is well detailed and well textured. Almost every object in the rooms reacts to Luigi's vacuum, including the posters and bed sheets. The lighting effects are also amazing. Luigi's flashlight acts like a true flashlight, and the fire looks like fire. The ghosts even have their own special kind of glow about them. Luigi's mansion shows early, just how much graphic power the Gamecube really has.

Luigi's mansion sound is nothing special. It uses decent sounds and up to date technology, but it is nothing special. The music is almost non-existent and as Nintendo showed, weren't even worth a soundtrack.

This game is a great first game for the system and is probably worth at least a rental or two, if not a purchase.

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